Install Ubuntu 16.04 and update
Koha can install on various Ubuntu flavours like Ubuntu MATE/Xubuntu/Lubuntu. Xubuntu and Lubuntu are lightweight (fast performance) Ubuntu flavours.
Download Linux iso file from the Ubuntu MATE/Xubuntu/Lubuntu websites. Burn in a DVD or pen drive. Install the Linux operating system.
Open Terminal and get ready for installation
Open Applications > System Tools > Terminal and execute commands one by one mentioned on this page.
Update Ubuntu
This process will update the Linux operating system latest by downloading new packages.
sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Install Leafpad text editor
Leafpad is a lightweight text editor, which require opening configuration files while the installation process of Koha.
apt-get install leafpad
Add Koha community repository
Add Koha software channel into Debian. It will install the current (latest) version of Koha. Apply following two commands one by one:
echo deb stable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Update the software repository
sudo apt-get update
Install Koha
The following command will install the latest release of Koha.
sudo apt-get install koha-common
Server configuration
In this step, need to edit network information like domain name and port numbers.
sudo leafpad /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf
Here I change the port number of Koha staff client to 8080. Find the following line in the file and make changes.
Install MySQL server
Apply the following command to install MySQL server.
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server
Assign Root password for MySQL
Apply following commands one by one,
sudo su
mysqladmin -u root password newpass [Replace 'newpass']
Koha instance creation
Apply following commands to create Apache configuration files.
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2enmod cgi
sudo service apache2 restart
Create a Koha instance with the name library.
sudo koha-create --create-db library
Add new port
We have assigned 8080 port for the Koha staff client and 80 for OPAC.
Open the following file and add a new port.
sudo leafpad /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Copy paste following line below Listen 80
Listen 8080
Restart Apache,
sudo service apache2 restart
Enable modules and sites
sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo a2enmod deflate
sudo a2ensite library
sudo service apache2 restart
Change Koha default master password
See the following link
How to start Koha
Open following links, (Stff client) (Online catalogue)
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